This week was a tough one for me to record! I had to bring up some of my own demon behavior: dermatillomania! Yes, I have an issue with excoriation disorder. I’m working on it. Here’s an article about it you might find interesting. For those of you who deal with this, or some other form of repetitive behavior, know that you aren’t alone! It’s a thing!
This week I talk about what I do to manage my own skin picking, and I tie it into the work we are doing on the 8 weeks of nudges. Have a listen!
Update on my own self nudge
This last week I did quite well for the most part. I did miss a day of exercise, I did have some shitty food, but I succeeded on most days, and the meal planning is definitely working. I have definitely lost weight.
As we embark on the 3rd week, it’s important to remember to keep that 30 minute appointment with ourselves, and it’s important to keep the 30 minutes easy. If you are finding yourself still struggling to get motivated, or struggling to get started, please reach out! If you need one-on-one help and don’t have an accountability partner, that’s exactly what I do so feel free to set up a phone call and I’ll work with you. For more info on that, click here.
Final thoughts on week 3
Remember, those of us with ADHD have very poor working memory. Not a big deal if we know how to manage it. Externalize, externalize, externalize. If your task has many steps to it, chunk it down to one simple task, and that is the one thing that you focus on for your 30 minutes. if you try to hold too many things in your head, it can easily lead to overwhelm. We are looking for something that easily leads to getting started…one simple task.
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