Episode 31 – The Term Executive Function Doesn’t Work For Me
Here are a couple videos that I have found incredibly helpful when it comes to undertsanding “executive function” and how it affects those of us with ADHD. And for those of you who want to learn more about the bullet journal, here is the website to the ultimate bullet journal method!
Episode 30 – Week 8 – The Neverending Story Metaphor
Putting this episode together got me all choked up! Here is a link to the article that I mentioned in the podcast. And here is the scene from The Neverending Story that I used for the metaphor.
Episode 21 – Affirmations Don’t Work With ADHD…Do This Instead
If you’ve ever tried affirmations and the change you are trying to affect isn’t happening, this will help!
Episode 20 – ADHD and the What Should I Do Shuffle
Today I help in those times when we struggle with “What Should I Do?” Also mentioned in this episode is Ellen Goodwin’s book “Done: How To Work When No One Is Watching” You can learn more about Ellen @ www.ellengoodwin.com
Episode 19 – The ADHD Brain Void
What to do when we find ourselves in that ADHD brain void?! I’m glad you asked, because I made a podcast episode about it. Spoiler alert: it has to do with having no questions with all those good intentions.
Episode 18 – ADHD and Structure
Welcome to yet another conundrum of ADHD. Adults with ADHD need structure, and yet we hate structure. On todays podcast, we get some perspective on how we can add some structure without feeling like it’s a prison sentence.
Episode 17 – Time and Focus: the Oil and Water of ADHD
To say that people with ADHD struggle with focus is a gross understatement. And the more time that passes on an uninteresting task, the more likely it is that our minds will wander. In this episode, I offer the workaround for how to get on the other end of all the negative self talk that …